143 - 145 |
BIONANOELECTRONICS Getting close to the action Parpura V |
145 - 145 |
SPIN CALORITRONICS Electron spins blow hot and cold Goennenwein STB, Bauer GEW |
147 - 148 |
MOLECULAR ELECTRONICS Protein transistors strike gold Maruccio G |
148 - 149 |
NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY Checking out the insides of cells Lee YEK, Kopelman R |
151 - 155 |
A local optical probe for measuring motion and stress in a nanoelectromechanical system Reserbat-Plantey A, Marty L, Arcizet O, Bendiab N, Bouchiat V |
156 - 160 |
Transport spectroscopy of symmetry-broken insulating states in bilayer graphene Velasco J, Jing L, Bao W, Lee Y, Kratz P, Aji V, Bockrath M, Lau CN, Varma C, Stillwell R, Smirnov D, Zhang F, Jung J, MacDonald AH |
161 - 165 |
Atomically localized plasmon enhancement in monolayer graphene Zhou W, Lee J, Nanda J, Pantelides ST, Pennycook SJ, Idrobo JC |
166 - 168 |
Direct observation of the spin-dependent Peltier effect Flipse J, Bakker FL, Slachter A, Dejene FK, van Wees BJ |
169 - 173 |
A DNA-based molecular motor that can navigate a network of tracks Wickham SFJ, Bath J, Katsuda Y, Endo M, Hidaka K, Sugiyama H, Turberfield AJ |
174 - 179 |
Intracellular recordings of action potentials by an extracellular nanoscale field-effect transistor Duan XJ, Gao RX, Xie P, Cohen-Karni T, Qing Q, Choe HS, Tian BZ, Jiang XC, Lieber CM |
180 - 184 |
Vertical nanowire electrode arrays as a scalable platform for intracellular interfacing to neuronal circuits Robinson JT, Jorgolli M, Shalek AK, Yoon MH, Gertner RS, Park H |
185 - 190 |
Intracellular recording of action potentials by nanopillar electroporation Xie C, Lin ZL, Hanson L, Cui Y, Cui BX |
191 - 196 |
Nanowire-based single-cell endoscopy Yan RX, Park JH, Choi Y, Heo CJ, Yang SM, Lee LP, Yang PD |
197 - 203 |
A protein transistor made of an antibody molecule and two gold nanoparticles Chen YS, Hong MY, Huang GS |