1 - 20 |
Continuous representation and control of hybrid systems Gapaillard M |
21 - 42 |
Further results on limitations to the capability of feedback Ma HB |
43 - 61 |
Robust output feedback H infinity control of uncertain Markovian jump systems with mode-dependent time-delays Kang Y, Zhang JF, Ge SS |
62 - 73 |
Adaptive receding horizon predictive control for constrained discrete-time linear systems with parameter uncertainties Kim TH, Sugie T |
74 - 88 |
Sliding mode neurocontrol for the class of dynamic uncertain non-linear systems Poznyak A, Chairez I, Poznyak T |
89 - 106 |
A distributed control algorithm for internal flow management in a multi-zone climate unit De Persis C, Jessen JJ, Izadi-Zamanabadi R, Schioler H |
107 - 115 |
A new Lyapunov-krasovskii methodology for coupled delay differential and difference equations Pepe P, Jiang ZP, Fridman E |
116 - 133 |
Non-linear stable inversion-based output tracking control for a spherical inverted pendulum Liu G, Nesic D, Mareels I |
134 - 145 |
On feedback identification of unknown characteristics: a bioreactor case study Keesman KJ, Maksimov VI |
146 - 155 |
A parameterization of reduced stable models and controllers Yousefi A, Lohmann B |
156 - 196 |
A statistical analysis of certain iterative learning control algorithms Butcher M, Karimi A, Longchamp R |