검색결과 : 3건
No. | Article |
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Effect of temperature and pressure on the combined action of purified tomato pectinmethylesterase and polygalacturonase in presence of pectin Verlent I, Hendrickx M, Verbeyst L, Van Loey A Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40(5), 1141, 2007 |
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The firmness of stored tomatoes (cv. Tradiro). 2. Kinetic and Near Infrared models to describe pectin degrading enzymes and firmness loss Van Dijk C, Boeriu C, Stolle-Smits T, Tijskens LMM Journal of Food Engineering, 77(3), 585, 2006 |
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Influence of beta-subunit on thermal and high-pressure process stability of tomato polygalacturonase Peeters L, Fachin D, Smout C, van Loey A, Hendrickx ME Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 86(5), 543, 2004 |