검색결과 : 5건
No. | Article |
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A hybrid computational approach to estimate solar global radiation: An empirical evidence from Iran Mostafavi ES, Ramiyani SS, Sarvar R, Moud HI, Mousavi SM Energy, 49, 204, 2013 |
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The analysis of solar UVB radiation as a function of solar global radiation, ozone layer thickness and aerosol optical density Kudish AI, Evseev EG Renewable Energy, 36(6), 1854, 2011 |
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Solar global UV (280-380 nm) radiation and its relationship with solar global radiation measured on the island of Cyprus Jacovides CP, Assimakopoulos VD, Tymvios TS, Theophilou K, Asimakopoulos DN Energy, 31(14), 2728, 2006 |
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New methodologies to estimate the hourly global solar radiation; Comparisons with existing models Kaplanis SN Renewable Energy, 31(6), 781, 2006 |
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Solar resource estimation using artificial neural networks and comparison with other correlation models Reddy KS, Ranjan M Energy Conversion and Management, 44(15), 2519, 2003 |