검색결과 : 11건
No. | Article |
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Realization of time-delay systems Kaldmae A, Kotta U Automatica, 90, 317, 2018 |
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LEFT-INVARIANT SUB-RIEMANNIAN ENGEL STRUCTURES: ABNORMAL GEODESICS AND INTEGRABILITY Beschastnyi I, Medvedev A SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56(5), 3524, 2018 |
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Mean-variance portfolio selection in a complete market with unbounded random coefficients Shen Y Automatica, 55, 165, 2015 |
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Relaxing realizability conditions for discrete-time nonlinear systems Kotta U, Schlacher K, Tonso M Automatica, 58, 67, 2015 |
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On Integrability of Observable Space for Discrete-Time Polynomial Control Systems Kawano Y, Kotta U IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(7), 1987, 2015 |
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MORSE FAMILIES IN OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS Barbero-Linan M, Ponte DI, De Diego DM SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53(1), 414, 2015 |
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BOUNDARY INTEGRABILITY OF MULTIPLE STOKES-DIRAC STRUCTURES Nishida G, Maschke B, Ikeura R SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53(2), 800, 2015 |
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A simple method for systematic synthesis of thermally integrated distillation sequences Sobocan G, Glavic P Chemical Engineering Journal, 89(1-3), 155, 2002 |
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Repeatability of inverse kinematics algorithms for mobile manipulators Tchon K IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(8), 1376, 2002 |
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Schrodinger equations with fractional Laplacians Hu Y, Kallianpur G Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 42(3), 281, 2000 |