검색결과 : 5건
No. Article
1 Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in deep-water subarctic sediments (Faroe-Shetland Channel)
Gontikaki E, Potts LD, Anderson JA, Witte U
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(4), 1040, 2018
2 Disintegration of aerobic granules: Role of second messenger cyclic di-GMP
Wan CL, Zhang P, Lee DJ, Yang X, Liu X, Sun SP, Pan XL
Bioresource Technology, 146, 330, 2013
3 Gallionella spp. in trickling filtration of subsurface aerated and natural groundwater
de Vet WWJM, Dinkla IJT, Abbas BA, Rietveld LC, van Loosdrecht MCM
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(4), 904, 2012
4 Diversity of 16S rRNA and dioxygenase genes detected in coal-tar-contaminated site undergoing active bioremediation
Kumar M, Khanna S
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 108(4), 1252, 2010
5 Phylogenetic characterization of the heterotrophic bacterial communities inhabiting a marine recirculating aquaculture system
Michaud L, Lo Giudice A, Troussellier M, Smedile F, Bruni V, Blancheton JP
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 107(6), 1935, 2009