검색결과 : 6건
No. | Article |
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Production of Butyrate from Lactate by a Newly Isolated Clostridium sp BPY5 Tao Y, Hu XH, Zhu XY, Jin H, Xu ZC, Tang QL, Li XZ Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 179(3), 361, 2016 |
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Banana as Adjunct in Beer Production: Applicability and Performance of Fermentative Parameters Carvalho GBM, Silva DP, Bento CV, Vicente AA, Teixeira JA, Felipe MDA, Silva JBAE Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 155(1-3), 356, 2009 |
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Net effect of wort osmotic pressure on fermentation course, yeast vitality, beer flavor, and haze Sigler K, Matoulkova D, Dienstbier M, Gabriel P Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 82(6), 1027, 2009 |
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Identification of genes and proteins induced during the lag and early exponential phase of lager brewing yeasts Brejning J, Arneborg N, Jespersen L Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98(2), 261, 2005 |
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Transcription profile of brewery yeast under fermentation conditions James TC, Campbell S, Donnelly D, Bond U Journal of Applied Microbiology, 94(3), 432, 2003 |
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Fermentation of maltotriose by brewer's and baker's yeasts Londesborough J Biotechnology Letters, 23(24), 1995, 2001 |