검색결과 : 3건
No. Article
1 In situ observation of wall effects in activated carbon filters by X-ray microtomography
Leonard A, Wullens H, Blacher S, Marchot P, Toye D, Crine M, Lodewyckx P
Separation and Purification Technology, 64(1), 127, 2008
2 Adsorption of ethylmethylamine vapor by activated carbon filters
El-Sayed Y, Bandosz TJ, Wullens H, Lodewyckx P
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45(4), 1441, 2006
3 Mechanistic and kinetic studies on glyoxal oxidation with Bi- and Pb-promoted Pd/C catalysts
Alardin F, Wullens H, Hermans S, Devillers M
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, 225(1), 79, 2005