검색결과 : 6건
No. Article
1 Coating and polymerization of C-60 with carbon: A gas phase photodissociation study
Pellarin M, Cottancin E, Lerme J, Vialle JL, Broyer M, Tournus F, Masenelli B, Melinon P
Journal of Chemical Physics, 117(7), 3088, 2002
2 Gas phase study of silicon-C-60 complexes: Surface coating and polymerization
Pellarin M, Ray C, Lerme J, Vialle JL, Broyer M, Melinon P
Journal of Chemical Physics, 112(19), 8436, 2000
3 Photolysis experiments on SiC mixed clusters: From silicon carbide clusters to silicon-doped fullerenes
Pellarin M, Ray C, Lerme J, Vialle JL, Broyer M, Blase X, Keghelian P, Melinon P, Perez A
Journal of Chemical Physics, 110(14), 6927, 1999
4 Unimolecular Dissociation of Trivalent Metal Cluster Ions - The Size Evolution of Metallic Bonding
Cottancin E, Pellarin M, Lerme J, Baguenard B, Palpant B, Vialle JL, Broyer M
Journal of Chemical Physics, 107(3), 757, 1997
5 Study of Bimetallic Pd-Pt Clusters in Both Free and Supported Phases
Rousset JL, Cadrot AM, Aires FJ, Renouprez A, Melinon P, Perez A, Pellarin M, Vialle JL, Broyer M
Journal of Chemical Physics, 102(21), 8574, 1995
6 Competition Between Atomic Shell and Electronic Shell Structures in Aluminum Clusters
Baguenard B, Pellarin M, Lerme J, Vialle JL, Broyer M
Journal of Chemical Physics, 100(1), 754, 1994