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Engineering the band gap of LaCrO3 doping with transition metals (Co, Pd, and Ir) Polat O, Durmus Z, Coskun FM, Coskun M, Turut A Journal of Materials Science, 53(5), 3544, 2018 |
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The photovoltaic impact of atomic layer deposited TiO2 interfacial layer on Si-based photodiodes Karabulut A, Orak I, Turut A Solid-State Electronics, 144, 39, 2018 |
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The performance of the anthraquinone/p-Si and the pyridine/p-Si rectifying device under X-ray irradiation Sahin Y, Aydogan S, Ekinci D, Turut A Materials Chemistry and Physics, 183, 516, 2016 |
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The electrical characterizations and illumination response of Co/N-type GaP junction device Orak I, Ejderha K, Turut A Current Applied Physics, 15(9), 1054, 2015 |
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The effect of annealing temperature on the electrical characterization of Co/n type GaP Schottky diode Orak I, Ejderha K, Sonmez E, Alanyalioglu M, Turut A Materials Research Bulletin, 61, 463, 2015 |
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Electrical and photoelectrical properties of Ag/n-type Si metal/semiconductor contact with organic interlayer Ozerden E, Ocak YS, Tombak A, Kilicoglu T, Turut A Thin Solid Films, 597, 14, 2015 |
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The origin of negative capacitance in Au/n-GaAs Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) prepared by photolithography technique in the wide frequency range Korucu D, Turut A, Altindal S Current Applied Physics, 13(6), 1101, 2013 |
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Electronic parameters of high barrier Au/Rhodamine-101/n-Inp Schottky diode with organic interlayer Gullu O, Aydogan S, Turut A Thin Solid Films, 520(6), 1944, 2012 |
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Current-voltage characteristics of Al/Rhodamine-101/n-GaAs structures in the wide temperature range Vural O, Safak Y, Altindal S, Turut A Current Applied Physics, 10(3), 761, 2010 |
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n-type InP Schottky diodes with organic thin layer: Electrical and interfacial properties Gullu O, Turut A Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 28(3), 466, 2010 |