검색결과 : 3건
No. Article
1 Ethyl levulinate: A potential bio-based diluent for biodiesel which improves cold flow properties
Joshi H, Moser BR, Toler J, Smith WF, Walker T
Biomass & Bioenergy, 35(7), 3262, 2011
2 Preparation and fuel properties of mixtures of soybean oil methyl and ethyl esters
Joshi H, Moser BR, Toler J, Walker T
Biomass & Bioenergy, 34(1), 14, 2010
3 Effects of blending alcohols with poultry fat methyl esters on cold flow properties
Joshi H, Moser BR, Toler J, Smith WF, Walker T
Renewable Energy, 35(10), 2207, 2010