검색결과 : 4건
No. | Article |
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An integrated green biorefinery approach towards simultaneous recovery of pectin and polyphenols coupled with bioethanol production from waste pomegranate peels Talekar S, Patti AF, Vijayraghavan R, Arora A Bioresource Technology, 266, 322, 2018 |
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A tri-enzyme magnetic nanobiocatalyst with one pot starch hydrolytic activity Talekar S, Joshi A, Kambale S, Jadhav S, Nadar S, Ladole M Chemical Engineering Journal, 325, 80, 2017 |
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Carrier free co-immobilization of alpha amylase, glucoamylase and pullulanase as combined cross-linked enzyme aggregates (combi-CLEAs): A tri-enzyme biocatalyst with one pot starch hydrolytic activity Talekar S, Pandharbale A, Ladole M, Nadar S, Mulla M, Japhalekar K, Pattankude K, Arage D Bioresource Technology, 147, 269, 2013 |
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Novel magnetic cross-linked enzyme aggregates (magnetic CLEAs) of alpha amylase Talekar S, Ghodake V, Ghotage T, Rathod P, Deshmukh P, Nadar S, Mulla M, Ladole M Bioresource Technology, 123, 542, 2012 |