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Understanding the effect of material composition and microstructural design on the erosion behavior of plasma sprayed thermal barrier coatings Mahade S, Ruelle C, Curry N, Holmberg J, Bjorklund S, Markocsan N, Nylen P Applied Surface Science, 488, 170, 2019 |
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Mechanical properties of nanodiamond-reinforced hydroxyapatite composite coatings deposited by suspension plasma spraying Chen XY, Zhang BT, Gong YF, Zhou P, Li H Applied Surface Science, 439, 60, 2018 |
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A two-layered suspension (particle-fluid) model for non-Newtonian fluid flow in a catheterized arterial stenosis with slip condition at the wall of stenosed artery Ponalagusamy R Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 29(2), 87, 2017 |
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Yttirum Oxyfluoride 원료의 고상합성 및 서스펜션 플라즈마 스프레이 코팅 응용 박상준, 김형순, 이성민 Korean Journal of Materials Research, 27(12), 710, 2017 |
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Suspension plasma spraying of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta cathodes: Influence of carbon black pore former on performance and degradation Fan ESC, Kuhn J, Kesler O Journal of Power Sources, 316, 72, 2016 |
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Particulate suspension Jeffrey fluid flow in a stenosed artery with a particle-free plasma layer near the wall Ponalagusamy R Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 28(3), 217, 2016 |
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Synthesis of Nano-catalysts by Induction Suspension Plasma Technology (SPS) for Fischer-Tropsch Reaction Aluha J, Bere K, Abatzoglou N, Gitzhofer F Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 36(5), 1325, 2016 |
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Effect of TiO2 addition on the microstructure and nanomechanical properties of Al2O3 Suspension Plasma Sprayed coatings Bannier E, Vicent M, Rayon E, Benavente R, Salvador MD, Sanchez E Applied Surface Science, 316, 141, 2014 |
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Perspectives of suspension plasma spraying of palladium nanoparticles for preparation of thin palladium composite membranes Boeltken T, Soysal D, Lee S, Straczewski G, Gerhards U, Peifer P, Arnold J, Dittmeyer R Journal of Membrane Science, 468, 233, 2014 |
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Electrochemical performance of solid oxide fuel cells having electrolytes made by suspension and solution precursor plasma spraying Marr M, Kuhn J, Metcalfe C, Harris J, Kesler O Journal of Power Sources, 245, 398, 2014 |