검색결과 : 19건
No. | Article |
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Growth of cubic SiC single crystals by the physical vapor transport technique Semmelroth K, Krieger M, Pensl G, Nagasawa H, Puesche R, Hundhausen M, Ley L, Nerding M, Strunk HP Journal of Crystal Growth, 308(2), 241, 2007 |
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Polarity- and orientation-related defect distribution in 4H-SiC single crystals Rost HJ, Schmidbauer M, Siche D, Fornari R Journal of Crystal Growth, 290(1), 137, 2006 |
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High Al-doping of SiC using a modified PVT (M-PVT) growth set-up Muller R, Kunecke U, Weingartner R, Schmitt H, Desperrier P, Wellmann P Materials Science Forum, 483, 31, 2005 |
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Photoluminescence study of in-situ rare earth doped PVT-grown SiC single crystals Schmitt H, Muller R, Maier M, Winnacker A, Wellmann P Materials Science Forum, 483, 445, 2005 |
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Faceted growth of SiC bulk crystals Matukov ID, Kalinin DS, Bogdanov MV, Karpov SY, Ofengeim DK, Ramm MS, Barash JS, Mokhov EN, Roenkov AD, Vodakov YA, Ramm MG, Helava H, Makarov YN Materials Science Forum, 457-460, 63, 2004 |
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Growth of 3C-SiC bulk material by the modified Lely method Semmelroth K, Krieger M, Pensl G, Nagasawa H, Pusche R, Hundhausen M, Ley L, Nerding M, Strunk HP Materials Science Forum, 457-460, 151, 2004 |
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In-situ Er-doping of SiC bulk single crystals Muller R, Desperrier P, Seitz C, Weisser M, Magerl A, Maier M, Winnacker A, Wellmann P Materials Science Forum, 457-460, 723, 2004 |
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Macrodefect generation in SiC single crystals caused by polytype changes Rost HJ, Doerschel J, Schulz D, Siche D, Wollweber J Materials Science Forum, 389-3, 67, 2002 |
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Flux-controlled sublimation growth by an inner guide-tube Kitou Y, Bahng W, Kato T, Nishizawa S, Arai K Materials Science Forum, 389-3, 83, 2002 |
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Solid-phase epitaxial growth of bulk SiC single crystals Pernot E, Anikin M, Pons M, Chaix-Pluchery O, Baillet F, Matko I, Madar R Materials Science Forum, 389-3, 143, 2002 |