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Calculation of relative permeabilities of water and steam from laboratory measurements Gudjonsdottir M, Palsson H, Eliasson J, Saevarsdottir G Geothermics, 53, 396, 2015 |
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Calculation of relative permeabilities from field data and comparison to laboratory measurements Gudjonsdottir M, Palsson H, Eliasson J, Saevarsdottir G Geothermics, 54, 1, 2015 |
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Effect of surface roughness and lithology on the water-gas and water-oil relative permeability ratios of oil-wet single fractures Babadagli T, Raza S, Ren X, Develi K International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 75, 68, 2015 |
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Inversion of Lattice Network Structure Subjected to Carbonate Mercury Intrusion Capillary Pressure: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Posterior Sampling Juri JE, van Dijke MIJ, Sorbie KS Transport in Porous Media, 106(1), 73, 2015 |
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Two-Phase Immiscible Flows in Porous Media: The Mesocopic Maxwell-Stefan Approach Shapiro AA Transport in Porous Media, 107(2), 335, 2015 |
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A steady-state upscaling approach for immiscible two-phase flow Virnovsky GA, Friis HA, Lohne A Transport in Porous Media, 54(2), 167, 2004 |
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On a pore-scale film flow approach to describe moisture transfer in a hygroscopic porous medium Goyeneche M, Bruneau DM, Lasseux D, Desbat B, Nadeau JP Chemical Engineering Journal, 86(1-2), 165, 2002 |
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Application of effective flux boundary conditions to two-phase upscaling in porous media Wallstrom TC, Hou S, Christie MA, Durlofsky LJ, Sharp DH, Zou Q Transport in Porous Media, 46(2-3), 155, 2002 |
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A Markov chain model for effective relative permeabilities and capillary pressure Dale M, Kleppe H Transport in Porous Media, 46(2-3), 213, 2002 |
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A film-flow model to describe free water transport during drying of a hygroscopic capillary porous medium Goyeneche M, Lasseux D, Bruneau D Transport in Porous Media, 48(2), 125, 2002 |