검색결과 : 4건
No. Article
1 Impact of underground coal fire on coal petrographic properties of high volatile bituminous coals: A case study from coal fire zone No. 3.2 in the Wuda Coalfield, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, North China
Kus J
International Journal of Coal Geology, 171, 185, 2017
2 Investigation of radiation enhanced diffusion of magnesium in substrates flown on the NASA genesis mission
King BV, Pellin MJ, Burnett DS
Applied Surface Science, 255(4), 1455, 2008
3 Trace element analysis of precious metals in minerals by time-of-flight resonance ionization mass spectrometry
Dimov SS, Chryssoulis SL
Applied Surface Science, 203, 235, 2003
4 Disordered Biopyriboles, Amphibole, and Talc in the Allende Meteorite - Products of Nebular or Parent Body Aqueous Alteration
Brearley AJ
Science, 276(5315), 1103, 1997