검색결과 : 3건
No. Article
1 Direct and facile synthesis of highly porous low cost carbon from potassium-rich wine stone and their application for high-performance removal
Arslanoglu H
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 374, 238, 2019
2 Wine tartaric stabilization by electrodialysis and its assessment by the saturation temperature
Goncalves F, Fernandes C, dos Santos PC, de Pinho MN
Journal of Food Engineering, 59(2-3), 229, 2003
3 Effect of an electric field on the heterogeneous nucleation and crystal growth of potassium hydrogen tartrate in wines
Guillet V, Gabas N, Comtat M, Favarel JL
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 32(12), 1313, 2002