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석유 부산물의 물리화학적 분석을 통한 화재폭발 특성연구 김형기, 이영석 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 30(5), 556, 2019 |
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Development of index system for inherently safer process design using an integrated approach Feng JJ, Zhang B, Xu W, Sun B, Zhang F, Jiang J Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(11), 2725, 2019 |
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Designing an effective mitigation system based on the physical barrier for hazardous chemical leakage accidents Yoo BT, Lee YS Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 80, 370, 2019 |
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Optimizing emergency rescue and evacuation planning with intelligent obstacle avoidance in a chemical industrial park Chen PZ, Chen GH, Wang LW, Reniers G Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, 56, 119, 2018 |
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Long-term consequence and vulnerability assessment of thermal radiation hazard from LNG explosive fireball in open space based on full-scale experiment and PHAST Wang K, Liu ZY, Qian XM, Huang P Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, 46, 13, 2017 |
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A sensitivity analysis of parameters affecting the hydrogen release and dispersion using ANOVA method Mousavi J, Parvini M International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(9), 5188, 2016 |
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Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) 누출 사고 시 피해 범위 예측 및 장외영향평가를 위한 모델링 활용 방법 김정환, 정승호 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 54(4), 582, 2016 |
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Hydrogeochemical modelling of corrosion effects and barite scaling in deep geothermal wells of the North German Basin using PHREEQC and PHAST Bozau E, Haussler S, van Berk W Geothermics, 53, 540, 2015 |
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The real-time estimation of hazardous gas dispersion by the integration of gas detectors, neural network and gas dispersion models Wang B, Chen BZ, Zhao JS Journal of Hazardous Materials, 300, 433, 2015 |
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Evaluation of multi-phase atmospheric dispersion models for application to Carbon Capture and Storage Gant SE, Narasimhamurthy VD, Skjold T, Jamois D, Proust C Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, 32, 286, 2014 |