검색결과 : 4건
No. Article
1 Influence of the reaction time and the Triton x-100/Cyclohexane/Methanol/H2O ratio on the morphology and size of silica nanoparticles synthesized via sol-gel assisted by reverse micelle microemulsion
Jaramillo N, Paucar C, Garcia C
Journal of Materials Science, 49(9), 3400, 2014
2 Structural and magnetic properties of Zn1-xMnxO nanocrystalline powders and thin films
Mera J, Cordoba C, Doria J, Gomez A, Paucar C, Fuchs D, Moran O
Thin Solid Films, 525, 13, 2012
3 Study of YBaCo4O7 (+) (delta) thin films grown by sputtering technique on (1012)-oriented sapphire substrates
Montoya JF, Izquierdo JL, Gomez A, Arnache O, Osorio J, Marin J, Paucar C, Moran O
Thin Solid Films, 519(10), 3411, 2011
4 Applicability of the polymeric precursor method to the synthesis of nanometric single- and multi-layers of Zn1-x Mn (x) O (x=0-0.3)
Mera J, Cordoba C, Benavidez J, Paredes O, Doria J, Gomez A, Sanchez C, Paucar C, Moran O
Journal of Materials Science, 45(19), 5398, 2010