검색결과 : 5건
No. | Article |
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Thermal performance of solar water heater using velocity enhancer Balaji K, Iniyan S, Goic R Renewable Energy, 115, 887, 2018 |
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Investigation on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Copper-Water Nanofluid Flow in Plain and Perforated Channels Khoshvaght-Aliabadi M, Hormozi F Experimental Heat Transfer, 29(4), 427, 2016 |
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Improved modal observer for modal SSDI-Max Babesse E, Belkhiat S, Cherif A, Meddad M, Eddiai A, Boughaleb Y Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 628(1), 145, 2016 |
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Assessing the passive cooling effect of the ventilated pond protected with a reflecting layer Spanaki A, Kolokotsa D, Tsoutsos T, Zacharopoulos I Applied Energy, 123, 273, 2014 |
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Boiling heat transfer enhancement by surfactant additives Yang YM Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, 35(5), 495, 2004 |