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Acid stress induces differential accumulation of metabolites in Escherichia coli O26:H11 Shayanfar S, Broumand A, Pillai SD Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(6), 1911, 2018 |
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Acid stress induces differential accumulation of metabolites in Escherichia coli O26:H11 Shayanfar S, Broumand A, Pillai SD Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125(6), 1911, 2018 |
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Typing of O26 enterohaemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from humans and cattle with IS621 multiplex PCR-based fingerprinting Mainil JG, Bardiau M, Ooka T, Ogura Y, Murase K, Etoh Y, Ichihara S, Horikawa K, Buvens G, Pierard D, Itoh T, Hayashi T Journal of Applied Microbiology, 111(3), 773, 2011 |
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Persistence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O26 in various manure-amended soil types Fremaux B, Prigent-Combaret C, Delignette-Muller ML, Mallen B, Dothal M, Gleizal A, Vernozy-Rozand C Journal of Applied Microbiology, 104(1), 296, 2008 |
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Comparison of a monoclonal antibody-based capture/enrichment sandwich enzyme linked immunosorbent assay with immunomagnetic bead separation for the detection of attachment effacement Escherichia coli 026 strains from cattle faeces Finlay D, Bell C, Ball HJ Journal of Applied Microbiology, 100(5), 1141, 2006 |
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RAPID detection and quantification of E-coli O157/O26/O111 in minced beef by real-time PCR O'Hanlon KA, Catarame TMG, Duffy G, Blair IS, McDowell DA Journal of Applied Microbiology, 96(5), 1013, 2004 |
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The detection of non-O157 E-coli in food by immunomagnetic separation Drysdale M, MacRae M, Strachan NJC, Reid TMS, Ogden ID Journal of Applied Microbiology, 97(1), 220, 2004 |
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Development of a capture/enrichment sandwich ELISA for the rapid detection of enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O26 strains Neely E, Bell C, Finlay D, McCappin J, Wilson I, Ball HJ Journal of Applied Microbiology, 97(6), 1161, 2004 |
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Optimization of enrichment and plating procedures for the recovery of Escherichia coli O111 and O26 from minced beef Catarame TMG, O'Hanlon KA, Duffy G, Sheridan JJ, Blair IS, McDowell DA Journal of Applied Microbiology, 95(5), 949, 2003 |