검색결과 : 5건
No. Article
1 Preparation and application of trimethylamine amination polychloromethyl styrene nanolatex coated capillary column for the determination of bromate by field-amplified sample stacking open-tubular capillary electrochromatography
Guo YX, Xu FF, Meng L, Tang W, Xia Y, Wu YJ, Zhang SS
Electrophoresis, 34(9-10), 1312, 2013
2 Microporous network-assisted formation of copper-in-polymer gradient composite film
Yang B, Tang JG, Yang PH, Wang Y, Liu JX, Liu HY, Wang R, Huang Z, Liu JQ, Belfiore LA
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 126(2), 706, 2012
3 Crosslinking of poly(vinyl acetate) nanolatices by gamma and UV radiation
Melendez-Ortiz I, Flores-Martinez R, Bucio E, Cortez-Mazatan G, Martinez-Gutierrez H, Peralta RD
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 126(4), 1328, 2012
4 The synthesis of translucent polymer nanolatexes via microemulsion polymerization
Smeets NMB, McKenna TFL
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 383, 28, 2012
5 Novel sintering behavior of polystyrene nanolatex particles in the filming process
Qu XZ, Shi Y, Tang YL, Chen LS, Jin XG
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 250(2), 484, 2002