검색결과 : 6건
No. Article
1 Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor
Arute F, Arya K, Babbush R, Bacon D, Bardin JC, Barends R, Biswas R, Boixo S, Brandao FGSL, Buell DA, Burkett B, Chen Y, Chen Z, Ben Chiaro, Collins R, Courtney W, Dunsworth A, Farhi E, Foxen B, Fowler A, Gidney C, Giustina M, Graff R, Guerin K, Habegger S, Harrigan MP, Hartmann MJ, Ho A, Hoffmann M, Huang T, Humble TS, Isakov SV, Jeffrey E, Jiang Z, Kafri D, Kechedzhi K, Kelly J, Klimov PV, Knysh S, Korotkov A, Kostritsa F, Landhuis D, Lindmark M, Lucero E, Lyakh D, Mandra S, McClean JR, McEwen M, Megrant A, Mi X, Michielsen K, Mohseni M, Mutus J, Naaman O, Neeley M, Neill C, Niu MY, Ostby E, Petukhov A, Platt JC, Quintana C, Rieffel EG, Roushan P, Rubin NC, Sank D, Satzinger KJ, Smelyanskiy V, Sung KJ, Trevithick MD, Vainsencher A, Villalonga B, White T, Yao ZJ, Yeh P, Zalcman A, Neven H, Martinis JM
Nature, 574(7779), 505, 2019
2 A blueprint for demonstrating quantum supremacy with superconducting qubits
Neill C, Roushan P, Kechedzhi K, Boixo S, Isakov SV, Smelyanskiy V, Megrant A, Chiaro B, Dunsworth A, Arya K, Barends R, Burkett B, Chen Y, Chen Z, Fowler A, Foxen B, Giustina M, Graff R, Jeffrey E, Huang T, Kelly J, Klimov P, Lucero E, Mutus J, Neeley M, Quintana C, Sank D, Vainsencher A, Wenner J, White TC, Neven H, Martinis JM
Science, 360(6385), 195, 2018
3 Spectroscopic signatures of localization with interacting photons in superconducting qubits
Roushan P, Neill C, Tangpanitanon J, Bastidas VM, Megrant A, Barends R, Chen Y, Chen Z, Chiaro B, Dunsworth A, Fowler A, Foxen B, Giustina M, Jeffrey E, Kelly J, Lucero E, Mutus J, Neeley M, Quintana C, Sank D, Vainsencher A, Wenner J, White T, Neven H, Angelakis DG, Martinis J
Science, 358(6367), 1175, 2017
4 Superconducting quantum circuits at the surface code threshold for fault tolerance
Barends R, Kelly J, Megrant A, Veitia A, Sank D, Jeffrey E, White TC, Mutus J, Fowler AG, Campbell B, Chen Y, Chen Z, Chiaro B, Dunsworth A, Neill C, O'Malley P, Roushan P, Vainsencher A, Wenner J, Korotkov AN, Cleland AN, Martinis JM
Nature, 508(7497), 500, 2014
5 Observation of topological transitions in interacting quantum circuits
Roushan P, Neill C, Chen Y, Kolodrubetz M, Quintana C, Leung N, Fang M, Barends R, Campbell B, Chen Z, Chiaro B, Dunsworth A, Jeffrey E, Kelly J, Megrant A, Mutus J, O'Malley PJJ, Sank D, Vainsencher A, Wenner J, White T, Polkovnikov A, Cleland AN, Martinis JM
Nature, 515(7526), 241, 2014
6 S(S-1) production following electron impact on thiophosgene (Cl2CS)
Kedzierski W, Borbely J, Mutus J, Amlin S, McConkey JW
Journal of Chemical Physics, 120(19), 9087, 2004