검색결과 : 3건
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Expanded Chemical Reactivity Worksheet (CRW4) for determining chemical compatibility, past, present, and future Farr J, Gorman D, Sliva D, Al Hielscher, Nguyen T, Baran G, Drake B, Ford E, Frurip D, Mulligan K, Ryan JW, Viveros D Process Safety Progress, 36(1), 24, 2017 |
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Supported Lipid Bilayers on Biocompatible Polysaccharide Multilayers Mulligan K, Jakubek ZJ, Johnston LJ Langmuir, 27(23), 14352, 2011 |
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AFM Investigations of Phase Separation in Supported Membranes of Binary Mixtures of POPC and an Eicosanyl-Based Bisphosphocholine Bolalipid Mulligan K, Brownholland D, Carnini A, Thompson DH, Johnston LJ Langmuir, 26(11), 8525, 2010 |