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Expanding versus greening? Long-term energy and emission transitions in Mozambique Mahumane G, Mulder P Energy Policy, 126, 145, 2019 |
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Energy justice and sustainability transitions in Mozambique Broto VC, Baptista I, Kirshner J, Smith S, Alves SN Applied Energy, 228, 645, 2018 |
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Geology of Barcode type coking coal seams, Mecondezi sub-basin, Moatize Coalfield, Mozambique Lakshminarayana G International Journal of Coal Geology, 146, 1, 2015 |
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"SOME THOUGHTS ON THE INFLUENCE OF PRESSURE AND THERMAL HISTORY ASSUMPTIONS ON PETROLEUM SYSTEMS MODELLING", by A. D. Carr and C. N. Uguna Mahanjane ES, Franke D, Lutz R, Winsemann J, Ehrhardt A, Berglar K, Reichert C Journal of Petroleum Geology, 38(4), 467, 2015 |
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Solar cooking in Mozambique-an investigation of end-user's needs for the design of solar cookers Otte PP Energy Policy, 74, 366, 2014 |
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MATURITY AND PETROLEUM SYSTEMS MODELLING IN THE OFFSHORE ZAMBEZI DELTA DEPRESSION AND ANGOCHE BASIN, NORTHERN MOZAMBIQUE Mahanjane ES, Franke D, Lutz R, Winsemann J, Ehrhardt A, Berglar K, Reichert C Journal of Petroleum Geology, 37(4), 329, 2014 |
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New discoveries of coal in Mozambique - Development of the coal resource estimation methodology for International Resource Reporting Standards Hatton W, Fardell A International Journal of Coal Geology, 89(1), 2, 2012 |
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Space for innovation for sustainable community-based biofuel production and use: Lessons learned for policy from Nhambita community, Mozambique Schut M, van Paassen A, Leeuwis C, Bos S, Leonardo W, Lerner A Energy Policy, 39(9), 5116, 2011 |
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Design and installation of a decentralized drinking water system based on ultrafiltration in Mozambique Arnal JM, Garcia-Fayos B, Sancho M, Verdu G, Lora J Desalination, 250(2), 613, 2010 |
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Biofuel developments in Mozambique. Update and analysis of policy, potential and reality Schut M, Slingerland M, Locke A Energy Policy, 38(9), 5151, 2010 |