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Analysis of thermal detrapping of holes created by electron irradiation in high purity amorphous SiO2 using the induced and secondary current measurements Said K, Moya G, Ahmed AS, Damamme G, Kallel A Applied Surface Science, 361, 226, 2016 |
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Dependence of secondary electron emission on surface charging in sapphire and polycrystalline alumina: Evaluation of the effective cross sections for recombination and trapping Said K, Damamme G, Ahmed AS, Moya G, Kallel A Applied Surface Science, 297, 45, 2014 |
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Selection of migration parameters for a highly reliable assignment of bands of isoforms of erythropoietin separated by capillary electrophoresis Lacunza I, Lara-Quintanar P, Moya G, Sanz J, Diez-Masa JC, de Frutos M Electrophoresis, 25(10-11), 1569, 2004 |
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Positron trapping within the grain and at grain boundaries in sintered alumina of high impurity content Ahmed AS, Kansy J, Zarbout K, Moya G, Gceuriot D Materials Science Forum, 445-6, 177, 2004 |
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New technique to characterise thin oxide films under electronic irradiation Liebault J, Zarbout K, Moya-Siesse D, Bernardini J, Moya G Applied Surface Science, 212, 809, 2003 |
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Positron annihilation study of collagen biopolymer: Comparison between the three-component and the elastic thermalization lifetime analyses Siles S, Moya G, Ahmed AS, Kansy J Materials Science Forum, 363-3, 331, 2001 |