검색결과 : 4건
No. Article
1 Electrochemical characterization of the encapsulated polyoxometalates (POMs) into the zeolite
Pourbeyram S, Moosavifar M, Hasanzadeh V
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 714, 19, 2014
2 Host (nanocavity of zeolite Y)-guest (ruthenium(III) salophen complex) nanocomposite materials: An efficient and reusable catalyst for shape-selective epoxidation of linear alkenes with sodium periodate
Moosavifar M, Tangestaninejad S, Moghadam M, Mirkhani V, Mohammadpoor-Baltork I
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, 377, 92, 2013
3 Host (nanocavity of dealuminated zeolite Y)-guest (12-molybdophosphoric acid) nanocomposite material: An efficient and reusable catalyst for oximation of aldehydes
Moghadam M, Tangestaninejad S, Mirkhani V, Mohammadpoor-Baltork I, Moosavifar M
Applied Catalysis A: General, 358(2), 157, 2009
4 Host (nanocavity of zeolite-Y or X)-guest (manganese (III) tetrakis[4-N-methylpyridinum]porphyrin) nanocomposite materials as efficient catalysts for biomimetic alkene epoxidation with sodium periodate: Shape-selective epoxidation of linear alkenes
Moghadam M, Tangestaninejad S, Mirkhani V, Mohammadpoor-Baltork I, Moosavifar M
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-Chemical, 302(1-2), 68, 2009