검색결과 : 3건
No. | Article |
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Comparative measures of single-wall carbon nanotube dispersion Fagan JA, Landi BJ, Mandelbaum I, Simpson JR, Bajpai V, Bauer BJ, Migler K, Walker ARH, Raffaelle R, Hobbie EK Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110(47), 23801, 2006 |
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Triple-detector GPC characterization and processing behavior of long-chain-branched polyethylene prepared by solution polymerization with constrained geometry catalyst Wang WJ, Kharchenko S, Migler K, Zhu SP Polymer, 45(19), 6495, 2004 |
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Structure Evolution of a Polymer-Solution at High-Shear Rates Migler K, Liu CH, Pine DJ Macromolecules, 29(5), 1422, 1996 |