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Electrochemical techniques reveal that total ammonium stress increases electron flow to anode respiration in mixed-species bacterial anode biofilms Mahmoud M, Parameswaran P, Torres CI, Rittmann BE Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 114(6), 1151, 2017 |
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Microbial electrolysis cells for waste biorefinery: A state of the art review Lu L, Ren ZYJ Bioresource Technology, 215, 254, 2016 |
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Ohmic resistance affects microbial community and electrochemical kinetics in a multi-anode microbial electrochemical cell Dhar BR, Ryu H, Domingo JWS, Lee HS Journal of Power Sources, 331, 315, 2016 |
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Syntrophic interactions between H-2-scavenging and anode-respiring bacteria can improve current density in microbial electrochemical cells Gao YH, Ryu H, Domingo JWS, Lee HS Bioresource Technology, 153, 245, 2014 |
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Separation of competitive microorganisms using anaerobic membrane bioreactors as pretreatment to microbial electrochemical cells Dhar BR, Gao YH, Yeo H, Lee HS Bioresource Technology, 148, 208, 2013 |
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Analysis of a microbial electrochemical cell using the proton condition in biofilm (PCBIOFILM) model Marcus AK, Torres CI, Rittmann BE Bioresource Technology, 102(1), 253, 2011 |