검색결과 : 3건
No. Article
1 Adsorption of Oxygenates on Alkanethiol-Functionalized Pd(111) Surfaces: Mechanistic Insights into the Role of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Catalysis
Marshall ST, Schwartz DK, Medlin JW
Langmuir, 27(11), 6731, 2011
2 Controlled selectivity for palladium catalysts using self-assembled monolayers
Marshall ST, O'Brien M, Oetter B, Corpuz A, Richards RM, Schwartz DK, Medlin JW
Nature Materials, 9(10), 853, 2010
3 Impact of polymer modulus/chain mobility on water accumulation at polymer/metal oxide interfaces
Karul A, Tan KT, White CC, Hunston DL, Marshall ST, Akgun B, Satija SK, Soles CL, Vogt BD
Polymer, 50(14), 3234, 2009