검색결과 : 3건
No. | Article |
1 |
Influence of rheology on renewable pressure-sensitive adhesives from a triblock copolymer Ewert TR, Mannion AM, Coughlin ML, Macosko CW, Bates FS Journal of Rheology, 62(1), 161, 2018 |
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Synthesis and Rheology of Branched Multiblock Polymers Based on Polylactide Mannion AM, Bates FS, Macosko CW Macromolecules, 49(12), 4587, 2016 |
3 |
A critical gel fluid with high extensibility: The rheology of chewing gum Martinetti L, Mannion AM, Voje WE, Xie RX, Ewoldt RH, Morgret LD, Bates FS, Macosko CW Journal of Rheology, 58(4), 821, 2014 |