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Biochemical Properties of Xylose Reductase Prepared from Adapted Strain of Candida tropicalis Rafiqul ISM, Sakinah AMM Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 175(1), 387, 2015 |
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Production of Xylose from Meranti Wood Sawdust by Dilute Acid Hydrolysis Rafiqul ISM, Sakinah AMM, Karim MR Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 174(2), 542, 2014 |
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Pilot scale anaerobic co-digestion of municipal wastewater sludge with biodiesel waste glycerin Razaviarani V, Buchanan ID, Malik S, Katalambula H Bioresource Technology, 133, 206, 2013 |
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Design of process parameters for the production of xylose from wood sawdust Rafiqul ISM, Sakinah AMM Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 90(9), 1307, 2012 |
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Indirect microwave heating to pharmaceutical excipients: Lactose hydrate Cuevas LPC, Franco MA, Baltazar EH Powder Technology, 224, 57, 2012 |
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Effect of modifying agents on the preparation and properties of the new adsorbents from wheat straw Xu X, Gao BY, Wang WY, Yue QY, Wang Y, Ni SQ Bioresource Technology, 101(5), 1477, 2010 |
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Preparation and utilization of wheat straw bearing amine groups for the sorption of acid and reactive dyes from aqueous solutions Xu X, Gao BY, Yue QY, Zhong QQ Journal of Hazardous Materials, 182(1-3), 1, 2010 |
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A study on generator capacity for wind turbines under various tower heights and rated wind speeds using Weibull distribution Yeh TH, Wang L IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 23(2), 592, 2008 |
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Interfacial behavior of epichlorohydrin-ethyleneoxide-allylglycidyl ether/fluorinated carbon black observed from mechanical and dielectrical properties Katada A, Shimura T, Tominaga Y, Asai S, Sumita M Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 91(5), 2928, 2004 |
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Electrical and dielectric behavior in blends of polyurethane-based ionomers Tsonos C, Apekis L, Viras K, Stepanenko L, Karabanova L, Sergeeva L Solid State Ionics, 143(2), 229, 2001 |