검색결과 : 3건
No. Article
1 Implications of the aerosol size distribution modal structure of trace and major elements on human exposure, inhaled dose and relevance to the PM2.5 and PM10 metrics in a European pollution hotspot urban area
Zwozdziak A, Gini MI, Samek L, Rogula-Kozlowska W, Sowka I, Eleftheriadis K
Journal of Aerosol Science, 103, 38, 2017
2 Incorporation of dosimetry in the derivation of reference concentrations for ambient or workplace air: A conceptual approach
Oller AR, Oberdorster G
Journal of Aerosol Science, 99, 40, 2016
3 Modeled regional airway deposition of inhaled particles in athletes at exertion
Sracic MK
Journal of Aerosol Science, 99, 54, 2016