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Asphaltenes Precipitated by a Two-Step Precipitation Procedure. 2. Physical and Chemical Characteristics Fossen M, Kallevik H, Knudsen KD, Sjoblom J Energy & Fuels, 25(8), 3552, 2011 |
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Measurement of Wax Appearance Temperature Using Near-Infrared (NIR) Scattering Paso K, Kallevik H, Sjoblom J Energy & Fuels, 23, 4988, 2009 |
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Asphaltenes precipitated by a two-step precipitation procedure. 1. Interfacial tension and solvent properties Fossen M, Kallevik H, Knudsen KD, Sjoblom J Energy & Fuels, 21(2), 1030, 2007 |
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Asphaltene aggregation from crude oils and model systems studied by high-pressure NIR spectroscopy Aske N, Kallevik H, Johnsen EE, Sjoblom J Energy & Fuels, 16(5), 1287, 2002 |
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Determination of saturate, aromatic, resin, and asphaltenic (SARA) components in crude oils by means of infrared and near-infrared spectroscopy Aske N, Kallevik H, Sjoblom J Energy & Fuels, 15(5), 1304, 2001 |
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Multivariate screening analysis of water-in-oil emulsions in high external electric fields as studied by means of dielectric time domain spectroscopy - III - Model emulsions containing asphaltenes and resins Midttun O, Kallevik H, Sjoblom J, Kvalheim OM Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 227(2), 262, 2000 |
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Quantitative determination of asphaltenes and resins in solution by means of near-infrared spectroscopy. Correlations to emulsion stability Kallevik H, Kvalheim OM, Sjoblom J Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 225(2), 494, 2000 |