검색결과 : 11건
No. Article
1 Structural Parameters Governing the Dynamic Combinatorial Synthesis of Catenanes in Water
Cougnon FBL, Ponnuswamy N, Jenkins NA, Pantos GD, Sanders JKM
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(46), 19129, 2012
2 Pancreatic cancer genomes reveal aberrations in axon guidance pathway genes
Biankin AV, Waddell N, Kassahn KS, Gingras MC, Muthuswamy LB, Johns AL, Miller DK, Wilson PJ, Patch AM, Wu JM, Chang DK, Cowley MJ, Gardiner BB, Song S, Harliwong I, Idrisoglu S, Nourse C, Nourbakhsh E, Manning S, Wani S, Gongora M, Pajic M, Scarlett CJ, Gill AJ, Pinho AV, Rooman I, Anderson M, Holmes O, Leonard C, Taylor D, Wood S, Xu QY, Nones K, Fink JL, Christ A, Bruxner T, Cloonan N, Kolle G, Newell F, Pinese M, Mead RS, Humphris JL, Kaplan W, Jones MD, Colvin EK, Nagrial AM, Humphrey ES, Chou A, Chin VT, Chantrill LA, Mawson A, Samra JS, Kench JG, Lovell JA, Daly RJ, Merrett ND, Toon C, Epari K, Nguyen NQ, Barbour A, Zeps N, Kakkar N, Zhao FM, Wu YQ, Wang M, Muzny DM, Fisher WE, Brunicardi FC, Hodges SE, Reid JG, Drummond J, Chang K, Han Y, Lewis LR, Dinh H, Buhay CJ, Beck T, Timms L, Sam M, Begley K, Brown A, Pai D, Panchal A, Buchner N, De Borja R, Denroche RE, Yung CK, Serra S, Onetto N, Mukhopadhyay D, Tsao MS, Shaw PA, Petersen GM, Gallinger S, Hruban RH, Maitra A, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Schulick RD, Wolfgang CL, Morgan RA, Lawlor RT, Capelli P, Corbo V, Scardoni M, Tortora G, Tempero MA, Mann KM, Jenkins NA, Perez-Mancera PA, Adams DJ, Largaespada DA, Wessels LFA, Rust AG, Stein LD, Tuveson DA, Copeland NG, Musgrove EA, Scarpa A, Eshleman JR, Hudson TJ, Sutherland RL, Wheeler DA, Pearson JV, McPherson JD, Gibbs RA, Grimmond SM
Nature, 491(7424), 399, 2012
3 Reprogramming of T Cells to Natural Killer-Like Cells upon Bcl11b Deletion
Li P, Burke S, Wang JX, Chen XF, Ortiz M, Lee SC, Lu D, Campos L, Goulding D, Ng BL, Dougan G, Huntly B, Gottgens B, Jenkins NA, Copeland NG, Colucci F, Liu PT
Science, 329(5987), 85, 2010
4 Identification and characterization of a new pair of immunoglobulin-like receptors LMIR1 and 2 derived from murine bone marrow-derived mast cells
Kumagai H, Oki T, Tamitsu K, Feng SZ, Ono M, Nakajima H, Bao YC, Kawakami Y, Nagayoshi K, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Kawakami T, Kitamura T
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 307(3), 719, 2003
5 Genomic organization of the Shc-related phosphotyrosine adapters and characterization of the full-length Sck/ShcB: Specific association of p68-Sck/ShcB with pp135
Kojima T, Yoshikawa Y, Takada S, Sato M, Nakamura T, Takahashi N, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Mori N
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 284(4), 1039, 2001
6 The paralemmin protein family: Identification of paralemmin-2, an isoform differentially spliced to AKAP2/AKAP-KL, and of palmdelphin, a more distant cytosolic relative
Hu B, Copeland NG, Gilbert DJ, Jenkins NA, Kilimann MW
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 285(5), 1369, 2001
7 Direct interaction of microtubule- and actin-based transport motors
Huang JD, Brady ST, Richards BW, Stenoien D, Resau JH, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA
Nature, 397(6716), 267, 1999
8 A Comprehensive Genetic-Map of the Mouse Genome
Dietrich WF, Miller J, Steen R, Merchant MA, Damronboles D, Husain Z, Dredge R, Daly MJ, Ingalls KA, Oconnor TJ, Evans CA, Deangelis MM, Levinson DM, Kruglyak L, Goodman N, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Hawkins TL, Stein L, Page DC, Lander ES
Nature, 380(6570), 149, 1996
9 A Comprehensive Genetic-Map of the Mouse Genome (Vol 380, Pg 149, 1996)
Dietrich WF, Miller J, Steen R, Merchant MA, Damronboles D, Husain Z, Dredge R, Daly MJ, Ingalls KA, Oconnor TJ, Evans CA, Deangelis MM, Levinson DM, Kruglyak L, Goodman N, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Hawkins TL, Stein L, Page DC, Lander ES
Nature, 381(6578), 172, 1996
10 Limb Alterations in Brachypodism Mice Due to Mutations in a New Member of the TGF-Beta-Superfamily
Storm EE, Huynh TV, Copeland NG, Jenkins NA, Kingsley DM, Lee SJ
Nature, 368(6472), 639, 1994