검색결과 : 54건
No. Article
1 인도네시아 바이오매스 반탄화를 통해 제조된 고품위 고형연료의 활용
Clean Technology, 26(4), 239, 2020
2 Design of injection liner of high-temperature vapor-dominated geothermal reservoir
Marbun BTH, Ridwan RH, Sinaga SZ, Purbantanu BA
Renewable Energy, 150, 649, 2020
3 Investigating policies on improving household rooftop photovoltaics adoption in Indonesia
Hidayatno A, Setiawan AD, Supartha IMW, Moeis AO, Rahman I, Widiono E
Renewable Energy, 156, 731, 2020
4 Petroleum industry tax incentives and energy policy implications: A comparison between Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea
Kraal D
Energy Policy, 126, 212, 2019
5 From fossil fuels to renewables: An analysis of long-term scenarios considering technological learning
Handayani K, Krozer Y, Filatova T
Energy Policy, 127, 134, 2019
6 The state of energy poverty in Indonesia and its impact on welfare
Sambodo MT, Novandra R
Energy Policy, 132, 113, 2019
7 Overcoming barriers to solar and wind energy adoption in two Asian giants: India and Indonesia
Burke PJ, Widnyana J, Anjum Z, Aisbett E, Resosudarmo B, Baldwin KGH
Energy Policy, 132, 1216, 2019
8 Hydrogeochemical and isotope characterization of geothermal waters from the Cidanau geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia
Alam BYCSSS, Itoi R, Taguchi S, Saibi H, Yamashiro R
Geothermics, 78, 62, 2019
9 Electricity subsidy reform in Indonesia: Demand-side effects on electricity use
Burke PJ, Kurniawati S
Energy Policy, 116, 410, 2018
10 Coal consumption, urbanization, and trade openness linkage in Indonesia
Kurniawan R, Managi S
Energy Policy, 121, 576, 2018