검색결과 : 5건
No. Article
1 Climate science debate
Hoy M
Power, 149(5), 14, 2005
2 You go first ...
Hoy M
Power, 148(8), 13, 2004
3 Imidazoline NNC77-0074 stimulates Ca2+-evoked exocytosis in INS-1E cells by a phospholipase A(2)-dependent mechanism
Olsen HL, Norby PL, Hoy M, Spee P, Thams P, Capito K, Petersen JS, Gromada J
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 303(4), 1148, 2003
4 The imidazoline RX871024 stimulates insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cells from mice deficient in K-ATP channel function
Efanov AM, Hoy M, Branstrom R, Zaitsev SV, Magnuson MA, Efendic S, Gromada J, Berggren PO
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 284(4), 918, 2001
5 Clonidine-displacing substance reduces glucagon secretion from mouse pancreatic alpha-cells by K-ATP-channel-independent inhibition of exocytosis
Hoy M, Chan SLF, Weng XG, Gromada J
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 288(2), 309, 2001