검색결과 : 3건
No. Article
1 Preparation and Evaluation of Electrocatalytic Oxide Coatings on Conductive Carbon-Polymer Composite Substrates for Use as Dimensionally Stable Anodes
Brungs A, Haddadiasl V, Skyllaskazacos M
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 26(11), 1117, 1996
2 Conductive Carbon Polypropylene Composite Electrodes for Vanadium Redox Battery
Haddadiasl V, Kazacos M, Skyllaskazacos M
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 25(1), 29, 1995
3 Carbon-Polymer Composite Electrodes for Redox Cells
Haddadiasl V, Kazacos M, Skyllaskazacos M
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 57(12), 1455, 1995