검색결과 : 5건
No. | Article |
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Management of Eucalyptus short-rotation coppice and its outcome on fuel quality Eufrade HD, Guerra SPS, Sansigolo CA, Ballarin AW Renewable Energy, 121, 309, 2018 |
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Harvesting eucalyptus energy plantations in Brazil with a modified New Holland forage harvester Guerra SPS, Oguri G, Spinelli R Biomass & Bioenergy, 86, 21, 2016 |
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Sustainable use of eucalypt biomass grown on short rotation coppice for bioenergy Eufrade HJ, de Melo RX, Sartori MMP, Guerra SPS, Ballarin AW Biomass & Bioenergy, 90, 15, 2016 |
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Storage of whole-tree chips from high-density energy plantations of Eucalyptus in Brazil Eufrade HD, Oguri G, de Melo RX, Ballarin AW, Guerra SPS Biomass & Bioenergy, 93, 279, 2016 |
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Heating value of eucalypt wood grown on SRC for energy production Guerra SPS, Garcia EA, Lancas KP, Rezende MA, Spinelli R Fuel, 137, 360, 2014 |