검색결과 : 14건
No. Article
1 Methods to Evaluate Heat Transfer Enhancement in an Ultrasonic Heat Exchanger
Legay M, Bulliard-Sauret O, Ferrouillat S, Boldo P, Gondrexon N
Heat Transfer Engineering, 41(17), 1457, 2020
2 Effects of ultrasound on colloidal organization at nanometer length scale during cross-flow ultrafiltration probed by in-situ SAXS
Jin Y, Hengl N, Baup S, Pignon F, Gondrexon N, Magnin A, Sztucki M, Narayanan T, Michot L, Cabane B
Journal of Membrane Science, 453, 624, 2014
3 Effects of ultrasound on cross-flow ultrafiltration of skim milk: Characterization from macro-scale to nano-scale
Jin Y, Hengl N, Baup S, Pignon F, Gondrexon N, Sztucki M, Gesan-Guiziou G, Magnin A, Abyana M, Karrouch M, Bleses D
Journal of Membrane Science, 470, 205, 2014
4 Intensification of heat transfer process: Improvement of shell-and-tube heat exchanger performances by means of ultrasound
Gondrexon N, Rousselet Y, Legay M, Boldo P, Le Person S, Bontemps A
Chemical Engineering and Processing, 49(9), 936, 2010
5 Effect of Mineral and Organic Matrices on Sonochemical Degradation of 4-Isopropylphenol at Low Concentrations
Chiha M, Hamdaoui O, Baup S, Gondrexon N, Petrier C
Separation Science and Technology, 45(11), 1587, 2010
6 Adaptation of a Mycobacterium strain to phenanthrene degradation in a biphasic culture system: influence on interfacial area and droplet size
Abdelhay A, Magnin JP, Gondrexon N, Baup S, Willison J
Biotechnology Letters, 31(1), 57, 2009
7 Optimization and modeling of phenanthrene degradation by Mycobacterium sp 6PY1 in a biphasic medium using response-surface methodology
Abdelhay A, Magnin JP, Gondrexon N, Baup S, Willison J
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 78(5), 881, 2008
8 Enhancement of cooling rate by means of high frequency ultrasound
Monnot A, Boldo P, Gondrexon N, Bontemps A
Heat Transfer Engineering, 28(1), 3, 2007
9 Copper transfer modeling through a nanofiltration membrane in the case of ternary aqueous solution
Mehiguene K, Taha S, Gondrexon N, Cabon J, Dorange G
Desalination, 127(2), 135, 2000
10 Mechanisms involved in cadmium salts transport through a nanofiltration membrane: characterization and distribution
Garba Y, Taha S, Gondrexon N, Cabon J, Dorange G
Journal of Membrane Science, 168(1-2), 135, 2000