검색결과 : 4건
No. Article
1 Fluoride based control of Ca and Mg concentrations in high ionic strength base metal sulphate solutions in hydrometallurgical circuits
Georgalli GA, Eksteen JJ, Pelser M, Lorenzen L, Onyango MS, Aldrich C
Minerals Engineering, 21(3), 200, 2008
2 A particle packing algorithm for pellet design with a predetermined size distribution
Georgalli GA, Reuter MA
Powder Technology, 173(3), 189, 2007
3 Modelling the co-ordination number of a packed bed of spheres with distributed sizes using a CT scanner
Georgalli GA, Reuter MA
Minerals Engineering, 19(3), 246, 2006
4 An integrated thermochemical-systems approach to the prediction of matte composition dynamics in an Ausmelt (R) nickel-copper matte converter
Georgalli GA, Eksteen JJ, Reuter MA
Minerals Engineering, 15(11), 909, 2002