검색결과 : 10건
No. | Article |
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High efficiency 4-terminal perovskite/c-Si tandem cells Zhang D, Najafi M, Zardetto V, Dorenkamper M, Zhou XD, Veenstra S, Geerligs LJ, Aernouts T, Andriessen R Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 188, 1, 2018 |
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n-Type polysilicon passivating contact for industrial bifacial n-type solar cells Stodolny MK, Lenes M, Wu Y, Janssen GJM, Romijn IG, Luchies JRM, Geerligs LJ Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 158, 24, 2016 |
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Homogeneous p(+) emitter diffused using boron tribromide for record 16.4% screen-printed large area n-type mc-Si solar cell Komatsu Y, Mihailetchi VD, Geerligs LJ, van Dijk B, Rem JB, Harris M Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 93(6-7), 750, 2009 |
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Innovative design of amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cell Tucci M, Serenelli L, Salza E, Ratte M, De Iuliis S, Geerligs LJ, Caputo D, Nascetti A, de Cesare G Thin Solid Films, 516(20), 6771, 2008 |
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Improved phosphorous gettering of multicrystalline silicon Manshanden P, Geerligs LJ Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 90(7-8), 998, 2006 |
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Field-based scanning tunneling microscope manipulation of antimony dimers on Si(001) Rogge S, Timmerman RH, Scholte PMLO, Geerligs LJ, Salemink HWM Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 19(3), 659, 2001 |
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Self-assembly of pi-conjugated azomethine oligomers by sequential deposition of monomers from solution Rosink JJWM, Blauw MA, Geerligs LJ, van der Drift E, Rousseeuw BAC, Radelaar S, Sloof WG, Fakkeldij EJM Langmuir, 16(10), 4547, 2000 |
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Deposition and Atomic-Force Microscopy of Individual Phthalocyanine Polymers Between Nanofabricated Electrodes Tans SJ, Geerligs LJ, Dekker C, Wu J, Wegner G Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 15(3), 586, 1997 |
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Individual Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes as Quantum Wires Tans SJ, Devoret MH, Dai HJ, Thess A, Smalley RE, Geerligs LJ, Dekker C Nature, 386(6624), 474, 1997 |
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High-Resolution Reactive Ion Etching and Damage Effects in the Si/Gexsi1-X System Cheung R, Zijlstra T, Vanderdrift E, Geerligs LJ, Verbruggen AH, Werner K, Radelaar S Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 11(6), 2224, 1993 |