검색결과 : 7건
No. Article
1 Improved Rotor Flux Estimation at Low Speeds for Torque MRAS-Based Sensorless Induction Motor Drives
Smith AN, Gadoue SM, Finch JW
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 31(1), 270, 2016
2 MRAS Sensorless Vector Control of an Induction Motor Using New Sliding-Mode and Fuzzy-Logic Adaptation Mechanisms
Gadoue SM, Giaouris D, Finch JW
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 25(2), 394, 2010
3 Multivariable Self-Tuning Control of a Turbine Generator System
Zachariah KJ, Finch JW, Farsi M
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 24(2), 406, 2009
4 Preliminary performance evaluation of switched reluctance motors with segmental rotors
Mecrow BC, El-Kharashi EA, Finch JW, Jack AG
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 19(4), 679, 2004
5 Continuous sample deposition from reversed-phase liquid chromatography to tracks on a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization precoated target for the analysis of protein digests
Wall DB, Berger SJ, Finch JW, Cohen SA, Richardson K, Chapman R, Drabble D, Brown J, Gostick D
Electrophoresis, 23(18), 3193, 2002
6 Comparison of column chromatographic and precipitation methods for the purification of a macrocyclic polyether extractant
Dietz ML, Felinto C, Rhoads S, Clapper M, Finch JW, Hay BP
Separation Science and Technology, 34(15), 2943, 1999
7 Implementation of a Self-Tuning Avr
Farsi M, Zachariah KJ, Finch JW
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory & Applications, 144(1), 32, 1997