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Design and demonstration of an islanded hybrid microgrid for an enormous motel with the appropriate solicitation of superfluous energy by using iHOGA and matlab Shezan SA International Journal of Energy Research, 45(4), 5567, 2021 |
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100 MW급 Power-to-Gas 시스템의 사전 경제성 분석 고아름, 박성호, 김수현 Clean Technology, 26(1), 55, 2020 |
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Excess electricity and power-to-gas storage potential in the future renewable-based power generation sector in the United Arab Emirates Eveloy V, Gebreegziabher T Energy, 166, 426, 2019 |
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Multiple energy complementation based on distributed energy systems -Case study of Chongming county, China Liu LC, Zhu T, Pan Y, Wang H Applied Energy, 192, 329, 2017 |
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Techno-economic energy analysis of wind/solar hybrid system: Case study for western coastal area of Saudi Arabia Ramli MAM, Hiendro A, Al-Turki YA Renewable Energy, 91, 374, 2016 |
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Optimal sizing of grid-connected photovoltaic energy system in Saudi Arabia Ramli MAM, Hiendro A, Sedraoui K, Twaha S Renewable Energy, 75, 489, 2015 |
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Economic analysis of using excess renewable electricity to displace heating fuels Pensini A, Rasmussen CN, Kempton W Applied Energy, 131, 530, 2014 |
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Wind energy integration into future energy systems based on conventional plants - The case study of Croatia Cerovac T, Cosic B, Puksec T, Duic N Applied Energy, 135, 643, 2014 |
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CO2 Capture in SOFC by Vapor Condensation and CH4 Production in SOEC Storing Excess Electricity Schlitzberger C, Brinkmeier NO, Leithner R Chemical Engineering & Technology, 35(3), 440, 2012 |