검색결과 : 3건
No. | Article |
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Treatment of copper converter flue dust for the separation of metallic/non-metallic copper by hydrometallurgical processing Martin MI, Lopez-Delgado A, Lopez FA, Coedo AG, Dorado MT, Alguacil FJ Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 36(12), 1498, 2003 |
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Extraction of vanadium(V) from sulfate solutions by ACORGA M5640 Alguacil FJ, Munoz JF, Alonso M, Coedo AG, Dorado MT, Padilla I Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 78(5), 529, 2003 |
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Phosphine oxide mediate transport: modelling of mass transfer in supported liquid membrane transport of gold (III) using Cyanex 923 Alguacil FJ, Coedo AG, Dorado MT, Padilla I Chemical Engineering Science, 56(10), 3115, 2001 |