검색결과 : 4건
No. | Article |
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A finite volume method to solve the frost growth using dynamic meshes Bartrons E, Oliet C, Gutierrez E, Naseri A, Perez-Segarra CD International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 124, 615, 2018 |
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Heat flux measurements for determination of the liquid water diffusivity in capillary active materials Janetti MB, Carrubba TA, Ochs F, Feist W International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 97, 954, 2016 |
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Experimental Study of Molecular and Effective Diffusion Coefficients by Means of Gas-Assisted Pressing of Edible Oils Muller M, Eggers R Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 85(12), 1896, 2013 |
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Heat and moisture transport in durian fiber based lightweight construction materials Charoenvai S, Khedari J, Hirunlabh J, Asasutjarit C, Zeghmati B, Quenard D, Pratintong N Solar Energy, 78(4), 543, 2005 |