검색결과 : 3건
No. Article
1 High-Performance Thermoelectric Bulk Colusite by Process Controlled Structural Disordering
Bourges C, Bouyrie Y, Supka AR, Al Orabi RA, Lemoin P, Lebedev OI, Ohta M, Suekuni K, Nassif V, Hardy V, Daou R, Miyazaki Y, Fornari M, Guilmeau E
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(6), 2186, 2018
2 Flame balls in mixing layers
Daou J, Daou R
Combustion and Flame, 161(8), 2015, 2014
3 Thermodynamic evidence for valley-dependent density of states in bulk bismuth
Kuchler R, Steinke L, Daou R, Brando M, Behnia K, Steglich F
Nature Materials, 13(5), 461, 2014