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Measurement of critical properties for binary and ternary mixtures containing potential gasoline additive diethyl carbonate (DEC) He MG, Wang CJ, Chen JS, Liu XY, Xin N, Zhang Y Fluid Phase Equilibria, 471, 17, 2018 |
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Guanidine기반 이산화탄소 건식 흡착제 합성 및 흡착 특성 로즈말디 파시아, 표성원, 고영수 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28(4), 473, 2017 |
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Synthesis of organic carbonates from alcoholysis of urea: A review Shukla K, Srivastava VC Catalysis Reviews-Science and Engineering, 59(1), 1, 2017 |
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Exploring the high-temperature kinetics of diethyl carbonate (DEC) under pyrolysis and flame conditions Sun WY, Huang C, Tao T, Zhang F, Li W, Hansen N, Yang B Combustion and Flame, 181, 71, 2017 |
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Experimental analysis of "NAC-wall" for hybrid ventilation mode Simonetti M, Gentile V, Liggieri L, Fracastoro GV, Carrabba MG Energy and Buildings, 152, 399, 2017 |
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Centralized Optimization for Dec-POMDPs Under the Expected Average Reward Criterion Jiang XF, Wang XD, Xi HS, Liu FL IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(11), 6032, 2017 |
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Study of molecular interactions of binary mixtures DEC with alkoxyalkanols at various temperatures Srilakshmi M, Krishna TS, Narendra K, Kavitha C, Ratnakar A Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 105, 452, 2017 |
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NAC wall: An open cycle solar-DEC with naturally driven ventilation Simonetti M, Chiesa G, Grosso M, Fracastoro GV Energy and Buildings, 129, 357, 2016 |
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Modelling phase equilibria for acid gas mixtures using the CPA equation of state. Part VI. Multicomponent mixtures with glycols relevant to oil and gas and to liquid or supercritical CO2 transport applications Tsivintzelis I, Kontogeorgis GM Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 93, 305, 2016 |
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Life Cycle Assessment of a compact Desiccant Evaporative Cooling system: The case study of the "Freescoo" Finocchiaro P, Beccali M, Cellura M, Guarino F, Longo S Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 156, 83, 2016 |