검색결과 : 4건
No. Article
1 Corrosion processes of carbon steel in argillite: Galvanic effects associated with the heterogeneity of the corrosion product layer
Romaine A, Jeannin M, Sabot R, Necib S, Refait P
Electrochimica Acta, 182, 1019, 2015
2 Identifying the role of fly ash properties for minimizing sulfate-heave in lime-stabilized soils
McCarthy MJ, Csetenyi LJ, Sachdeva A, Dhir RK
Fuel, 92(1), 27, 2012
3 Theoretical analysis of anion exclusion and diffusive transport through platy-clay soils
Smith D, Pivonka P, Jungnickel C, Fityus S
Transport in Porous Media, 57(3), 251, 2004
4 Removal of contaminant metals from fine grained soils, using agglomeration, chloride solutions and pile leaching techniques
Tampouris S, Papassiopi N, Paspaliaris I
Journal of Hazardous Materials, 84(2-3), 297, 2001