검색결과 : 10건
No. Article
1 Treatment of Cr(VI) present in plating wastewater using a Cu/Fe galvanic reactor
Lugo-Lugo V, Bernal-Martinez LA, Urena-Nunez F, Linares-Hernandez I, Almazan-Sanchez PT, Vazquez-Santillan PDB
Fuel, 138, 203, 2014
2 Removal of residual methylene chloride from homoharringtonine by pre-treatment with ethanol
Lee JY, Kim JH
Process Biochemistry, 48(11), 1809, 2013
3 Influence of electrolyte temperature on efficiency of electrochemical chloride removal from concrete
Ueda T, Wakitani K, Nanasawa A
Electrochimica Acta, 86, 23, 2012
4 Electrochemical assessment of the restoration and conservation of a heavily corroded archaeological iron artifact
Hernandez-Escampa M, Gonzalez J, Uruchurtu-Chavarin J
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 40(2), 345, 2010
5 Influence of oxygen plasma treatment on hydrogen chloride removal of activated carbon fibers
Park SJ, Kim BJ
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 275(2), 590, 2004
6 상압 플라즈마 처리된 활성탄소섬유의 표면 특성 및 염화수소 제거
박수진, 김병주
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(6), 611, 2004
7 Selective removal of hydrogen chloride by slaked lime in a fluidized bed reactor
Iio K, Kurachi S, Kobayashi N, Kobayashi J, Hatano S, Itaya Y, Mori S
8 Sodium chloride removal from urine via a six-compartment ED cell for use in Advanced Life Support Systems (Part 1: Salt removal as a function of applied voltage and fluid velocity)
Aponte VM, Colon G
Desalination, 140(2), 121, 2001
9 Sodium chloride removal from urine via a six-compartment ED cell for use in Advanced Life Support Systems (Part 2: Limiting current density behavior)
Aponte VM, Colon G
Desalination, 140(2), 133, 2001
10 A study on the reaction kinetics of HCl removal from high-temperature coal gas
Dou BL, Gao JS, Sha XZ
Fuel Processing Technology, 72(1), 23, 2001